Acer Laptop Service Center, Check Laptop with Official Endorsement : GettyRecipes

Acer Laptop Service Center, Check Laptop with Official Endorsement

There are  many Acer  computer services centers spread across all regions in Indonesia.   This is for the convenience of loyal customers of our products  .  So if you need a service on some of our products  ,  just need to find  the nearest A cer service point around you.

The service centers are already available in many major cities such as Jakarta, Bandung, Aceh, Medan etc.      You can find our services in the nearest city    .     There are many types of services provided at our service points such as     unit cleaning, software monitoring, and blocking customer complaintrates.

Since it has been established since 1976, The Acer product can already be said to be a legendary brand among other  brands.Therefore,  service updates for all customer needs will be carried out as well as possible.  With certain quality,  it does not mean that Acer products  are not spared from the damage.

Make it easy if Your Laptop  Acer or notebook product is damaged.     You can send a complaint directly to our customer service by phone or simply go directly to the nearest service  .   Previously,  you could also do your own checks on whether your laptop is officially guaranteed  , this is the method.

Acer Laptop Service Center, if you have a formal endorsement there is a sticker

The first way to check if your laptop is officially guaranteed is very simple  , just check the bottom.   Whether there is a guaranteed sticker or not,  it’s located under your laptop. It’s very easy to recognize, stickers are usually in the form of holograms  so it’s very hard to fake.

So there is no need to worry about whether the guarantee sticker is fake.   This can also be done when you buy our products      , always check if you have a formal guarantee sticker. So later it  will make it easier when you need a service that can take advantage of our official accreditation  requirements.

If you are still unsure, you can take your laptop to the  nearest  Acer laptop service  center.    Ask the staff who are on duty there to help check if the sticker is an official sticker.    This is nothing but to make sure the sticker  is genuine.

Every Acer  product sold at the official distributor in Indonesia will certainly have this sticker.  Just carefully check there is a sticker at the bottom to make sure it has an official mark  .  There is nothing wrong with knowing more about it than it is to come to regret it in the future.

Check out the Acer Laptop Service Center website on your website

To check the exactity of the official guarantee of your Acer product  in addition to by checking the hologram sticker,  if you are not satisfied or unsure as well  .  You can check directly through the website or website we provide to implement the guaranteed status of the laptop concerned  .  This is to provide convenience to services.

Especially with the situation like the current outbreak  , if you are still unsure about leaving home  .     It can be done by checking through a website if you’re still afraid to leave home and interact with the outside world.  With this guarantee inspection site aims to provide quick and easy access  .

You can check through the website  to check and confirm this.   After opening, there will be several sub-menus, selecting a guarantee check  menu; if you have filled the  serial number of your diary or computer.   To find the serial number of laptops, it can be found at the bottom.

If you have correctly written a serial number line with one listed at the bottom of the laptop.  Click submit to continue the guarantee inspection process.  In addition to visiting the  Acer Computer Services Center   directly, this can  also  be done to make sure you have  an official guarantee.

Check Acer Laptop Service Center Warranty via SMS

In addition to checking through the acer’s website or official  website  ,  you  can also check by sending via short phone or SMS.   Actually, this sms-through approach sounds very traditional but there’s nothing wrong with using this method.   Perhaps it’s because of some situations that can only be checked through  SMS.

No one  knows what will happen in the future, this is nothing but for customers of   Acer products to be comfortable.This method  may be considered unpopular  , but if the situation  is not  connected to the internet this method would be very appropriate to try Watch.

The method is very simple, just type “SN (space) the serial number  of the laptop” 0811982237.   Where the numbers are specifically intended for this  .   Just give credit to send only one SMS to send.  It does not require an  internet  connection.

If the laptop you have is officially  guaranteed,  then by sending a short message  , will know if the status quo is official.    It’s just a matter of waiting a while to operate  .  It is true that no one wants their stuff to be damaged or unusual.

But the guarantee is necessary to prevent that.    There is nothing wrong with having an umbrella ready before the rain     .      To check what can be obtained from the guarantee       , you can check on Acer’s official page      .   In addition to the three ways above , there is another way  you can try .

Check acer Laptop Service Center guarantee with accreditation card

This method of inspection is actually a  common and frequent way to do it.   That is to check through the guarantee card received.  In addition, it will now  certainly be asked by  the Acer Computer Services Centre before it is required.   Now is included when you buy a new unit.

Along with some composite documents in the computer unit.   It’s very easy to recognize the card, of course  , and also on a card with a serial number  based on the unit you have.   It may be calm if the card is arranged and owned  ,  it can make a claim when needed.

But remember,  this official Acer guarantee has to be activated manually  .  So it is not automatically direct.  You can register your laptop to start the guarantee movement.   Not all stores will open the guarantee  , so you have to check again if they have signed up.

There are many ways to sign up, the first thing is to do so by sending a certificate card and a bill when making a purchase to the Acer Jakarta customer service center.                In addition, you can scan two  sheets and send an email to

You can also sign up  independently through the official website  of Acer’s   .   Select the endorsement registration menu on the page  .  Make sure the information is accurate and accurate and then send it.   Don’t forget the two previous ways to ensure that the guarantee card is filled correctly  .

We as buyers should be careful about choosing a product because no one knows what will happen to the unit you choose later  .  Hardware and software are guaranteed.  Especially for software, it only applies to Windows with pre-installed.

If a problem arises, you should first know the details of the problems experienced, so that later if a complaint is filed, there is no error in the report.   After that, don’t hesitate to bring it to the end of your city. We Acer Laptop Service Center  will provide the best service for customers.

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