All Objects in SQL Server :

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Hello and welcome to our comprehensive guide on all objects in SQL Server! Whether you’re an experienced database administrator or just starting out, this article will provide you with everything you need to know about SQL Server objects and how to use them effectively. In this article, we’ll cover everything from tables and views to stored procedures and triggers, so let’s get started!


Tables are the backbone of any database, allowing you to store and manipulate data in an organized and structured way. In SQL Server, tables can be created using the CREATE TABLE statement, which allows you to specify the columns, data types, and constraints for the table. Here’s an example:

Column Name Data Type Constraint
age INT CHECK (age > 0)

Once you have created a table, you can insert data using the INSERT statement, update data using the UPDATE statement, and retrieve data using the SELECT statement. You can also modify the structure of a table using the ALTER TABLE statement, and delete a table using the DROP TABLE statement.


What is the primary key in a table?

The primary key is a column or combination of columns that uniquely identify each row in a table. It is used to enforce data integrity and ensure that there are no duplicate rows in the table. In the example above, the id column is the primary key.

What is a check constraint?

A check constraint is a way to enforce custom validation rules on a column in a table. In the example above, the age column has a check constraint that ensures that the age is greater than 0.

Can a table have multiple primary keys?

No, a table can only have one primary key. However, you can create composite primary keys by combining multiple columns.

What is the difference between a clustered and non-clustered index?

A clustered index determines the physical order of the data in a table, whereas a non-clustered index is a separate data structure that stores a copy of the index key and a pointer to the data row. A table can only have one clustered index, but multiple non-clustered indexes.

What is a foreign key?

A foreign key is a column or combination of columns in one table that refers to the primary key of another table. This creates a relationship between the two tables and allows you to enforce referential integrity.


Views are virtual tables that allow you to retrieve data from one or more tables in a customized way. They can be used to simplify complex queries, restrict access to sensitive data, and provide a consistent view of the data across multiple applications. In SQL Server, views can be created using the CREATE VIEW statement, which allows you to specify the columns, filters, and joins for the view. Here’s an example:

Column Name Data Type
name VARCHAR(50)
age INT

Once you have created a view, you can use it like a regular table in your queries by referencing the view name. You can also modify the structure of a view using the ALTER VIEW statement, and delete a view using the DROP VIEW statement.


Can you update data in a view?

Yes, you can update data in a view if the view meets certain criteria, such as having a single table as its source and not containing any aggregate functions or GROUP BY clauses. However, the underlying data in the table will also be affected.

What is a materialized view?

A materialized view is a physical copy of a view that stores the results of the view’s query in a separate table. This can improve performance by reducing the need to execute the query each time the view is accessed.

What is a recursive view?

A recursive view is a type of view that references itself in its own definition. This can be used to perform hierarchical queries, such as finding all the descendants of a particular node in a tree structure.

What is the difference between a view and a stored procedure?

A view is a virtual table that stores a query, whereas a stored procedure is a predefined set of SQL statements that can be executed with a single command. Views are used to retrieve data, whereas stored procedures are used to perform actions such as inserting, updating, or deleting data.

Can you create an index on a view?

Yes, you can create an index on a view to improve performance. However, the index will only be used if the query that references the view includes the same columns that are used in the index.

Stored Procedures

Stored procedures are a type of program that allows you to encapsulate SQL statements and logic in a reusable package. They can be used to implement business rules, perform complex calculations, and interact with external systems. In SQL Server, stored procedures can be created using the CREATE PROCEDURE statement, which allows you to specify the parameters, variables, and control flow for the procedure. Here’s an example:

CREATE PROCEDURE getEmployeeDetails
    @employeeId INT
    SELECT id, name, age
    FROM employees
    WHERE id = @employeeId

Once you have created a stored procedure, you can execute it using the EXECUTE statement or by calling it from an application. You can also modify the structure of a stored procedure using the ALTER PROCEDURE statement, and delete a stored procedure using the DROP PROCEDURE statement.


What is a parameterized stored procedure?

A parameterized stored procedure is a stored procedure that accepts input parameters, which can be used to customize the behavior of the procedure. In the example above, the @employeeId parameter is used to specify which employee’s details should be retrieved.

What is a cursor?

A cursor is a programming construct that allows you to iterate over a result set one row at a time. Cursors can be used in stored procedures to perform complex data manipulation or to interact with external systems.

What are output parameters?

Output parameters are a type of parameter that allow a stored procedure to return values to the caller. In the example above, the SELECT statement returns a result set, but the stored procedure also has an output parameter that can be used to retrieve the employee’s age.

What is the difference between a stored procedure and a function?

A stored procedure is a program that performs a set of actions and doesn’t necessarily return a value, whereas a function is a program that performs a calculation and returns a value. Stored procedures can be used to perform tasks such as updating data or sending email notifications, whereas functions can be used to perform calculations such as converting temperature units or calculating distances between coordinates.

Can you change the security context of a stored procedure?

Yes, you can use the EXECUTE AS statement to change the security context of a stored procedure to a different user or role. This can be useful for performing actions that require elevated permissions.


Triggers are a type of program that are automatically executed in response to certain events, such as inserting, updating, or deleting data in a table. They can be used to enforce business rules, audit changes, and perform complex data manipulation. In SQL Server, triggers can be created using the CREATE TRIGGER statement, which allows you to specify the trigger event, timing, and logic. Here’s an example:

CREATE TRIGGER auditEmployeeChanges
ON employees
    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM inserted)
        INSERT INTO employeeChanges (id, action)
        SELECT id, 'INSERT' FROM inserted

        UPDATE e
        SET =, e.age = i.age
        FROM employees e
        JOIN inserted i ON =

        INSERT INTO employeeChanges (id, action)
        SELECT id, 'UPDATE' FROM inserted
        WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM deleted WHERE id =
        INSERT INTO employeeChanges (id, action)
        SELECT id, 'DELETE' FROM deleted

Once you have created a trigger, it will automatically execute whenever the trigger event occurs. You can also modify the structure of a trigger using the ALTER TRIGGER statement, and delete a trigger using the DROP TRIGGER statement.


What is the difference between an INSTEAD OF and AFTER trigger?

An AFTER trigger is executed after the trigger event has occurred and the data has been inserted, updated, or deleted. An INSTEAD OF trigger is executed instead of the trigger event, and allows you to override the default behavior of the event.

What is the difference between inserted and deleted?

Inserted and deleted are special tables that are available inside triggers and contain the data that has been affected by the trigger event. The inserted table contains the new or updated data, while the deleted table contains the old or deleted data.

What is a nested trigger?

A nested trigger is a trigger that is fired in response to another trigger. SQL Server allows you to nest triggers up to 32 levels deep, but it is generally recommended to avoid nesting triggers if possible to avoid complex logic and potential performance issues.

Can you disable a trigger?

Yes, you can use the DISABLE TRIGGER statement to temporarily disable a trigger. This can be useful for testing or debugging purposes, or to temporarily suspend the trigger logic while performing a data operation.

What is the difference between a DDL and DML trigger?

A DDL trigger is a trigger that is fired in response to a data definition language (DDL) statement, such as CREATE TABLE or ALTER PROCEDURE. A DML trigger is a trigger that is fired in response to a data manipulation language (DML) statement, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.


Indexes are a way to optimize database queries by creating a data structure that allows for faster data retrieval. In SQL Server, indexes can be created on one or more columns of a table, and can be used to speed up queries that contain WHERE, ORDER BY, or GROUP BY clauses. There are several types of indexes in SQL Server, including clustered, non-clustered, and full-text indexes. Here’s an example of a non-clustered index:

CREATE INDEX idx_employeeName
ON employees (name)

Once you have created an index, the database engine will automatically use it to speed up queries that can benefit from the index. You can also modify the structure of an index using the ALTER INDEX statement, and delete an index using the DROP INDEX statement.


What is the difference between clustered and non-clustered indexes?

A clustered index determines the physical order of the data in a table, whereas a non-clustered index is a separate data structure that stores a copy of the index key and a pointer to the data row. A table can only have one clustered index, but multiple non-clustered indexes.

What is a covering index?

A covering index is an index that includes all the columns that are required to satisfy a query, so that the query can be executed entirely from the index without accessing the underlying table. This can improve performance by reducing disk I/O and CPU usage.

What is a filtered index?

A filtered index is an index that only includes a subset of the rows in a table that satisfy a particular filter expression. This can be useful for optimizing queries that only access a subset of the data, such as queries that retrieve data for a particular date range.

What is a full-text index?

A full-text index is an index that is optimized for searching text-based data, such as text fields or documents. It allows you to perform fast, efficient text searches using features such as stemming, thesaurus support, and proximity search.

What is the difference between a unique and clustered index?

A unique index enforces a constraint that ensures that each value in the indexed column(s) is unique, whereas a clustered index determines the physical order of the data in the table. A unique index can be either clustered or non-clustered.


Constraints are a way to enforce rules and restrictions on the data in a database, to ensure that it is consistent, accurate, and valid. In SQL Server, constraints can be applied at the table or column level, and can include primary key constraints, foreign key constraints, check constraints, and unique constraints. Here’s an example of a primary key constraint:

ALTER TABLE employees

Once you have created a constraint, the database engine will automatically enforce it whenever data is inserted, updated, or deleted. You can also modify the structure of a constraint using the ALTER TABLE statement, and delete a constraint using the ALTER TABLE statement with the DROP CONSTRAINT option.


What is a primary key constraint?

A primary key constraint is a constraint that ensures that each row in a table has a unique key value. It is used to enforce data integrity and ensure that there are no duplicate rows in the table.

What is a foreign key constraint?

A foreign key constraint is a constraint that ensures that the values in a column or set of columns in one table match the values in a primary key or unique constraint in another table. It is used to enforce referential integrity and ensure that the data is consistent.

What is a check constraint?

A check constraint is a constraint that ensures that the values in a column or set of columns meet a specified condition or set of conditions. It is used to enforce custom validation rules on the data.

What is a unique constraint?

A unique constraint is a constraint that ensures that each value in the indexed column(s) is unique. It is used to enforce data integrity and ensure that there are no duplicate values in the column(s).

What is the difference between a primary key and unique constraint?

A primary key constraint is a type of unique constraint that is used to uniquely identify each row in a table. A table can only have one primary key, but can have multiple unique constraints.


Functions are a type of program that perform a calculation or operation and return a value. In SQL Server, functions can be created using the CREATE FUNCTION statement, which allows you to specify the input parameters, return type, and logic for the function. There are several types of functions in SQL Server, including scalar, table-valued, and aggregate functions. Here’s an example of a scalar function:

    (@price DECIMAL(10,2), @taxRate DECIMAL(5,2))
    DECLARE @tax DECIMAL(10,2)

    SET @tax = @price * (@taxRate / 100)

    RETURN @tax

Once you have created a function, you can use it in your queries or stored procedures to perform calculations and retrieve values. You can also modify the structure of a function using the ALTER FUNCTION statement, and delete a function using the DROP FUNCTION statement.


What is a scalar function?

A scalar function is a function that returns a single value, such as a string, number, or date. Scalar functions

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