Get to know Gocar and its service offerings : WaMod

The requirements to sign up for Gocar are simple, don’t get it wrong!

If you are interested in becoming an online driver, the requirements for registration for gocar are surprisingly simple. In today’s practical era, the offer of services for taking passengers by car is really becoming easier. Especially now that there are startups in online transportation like Gojek or others that are also popular.

During the current pandemic, not a few people have lost their main income. This also depends on many types of factors. For example, the company terminated the employment contract even until the salary was not appropriate. It all depends on the pandemic that continues until now.

When such problems arise, many also turn to searching for livelihoods. All efforts are also made to bring income every month. Currently, the job that is  sought after by the public is to become an online motorcycle taxi driver (ojol) or gocar.

If you really want to be one of the drivers, the requirements for registration for a gocar are simple. Pay attention to what is needed before sending a letter to the company. There are many who say that the conditions for registration are not simple and complicated. But it’s not.

All  of  them if they want to enter a cover letter, they just need to adhere to certain conditions of their car criteria as well as the driver as well. If all  the necessary things have been fulfilled, you can submit a letter and the gojek party will make a choice. For the requirements themselves, you can read the following reviews.

Get to know Gocar and its service offerings

Before proceeding to talk about the conditions necessary for registering on Gojek, it is mandatory for you to know and get to know what gocar is. Because if you know more about this, the service to customers will also be better.

Gocar itself is a type of service found in one of the online transport applications often referred to as gojek. Of course, this type of service is different from go-ride. If gocar uses a car to take passengers, then go-ride uses a motorcycle to serve its customers.

But for services using this car vehicle, in fact, it is widely chosen by the public, since there are quite a few passengers. Even in one car can be from 5 to 6 passengers. It is quite effective to use, especially if you do not have a vehicle to go from one place to another.

For the passengers themselves, it also depends on the type of car used to register. You want to be one of the drivers.  The requirements for registering gocar are simple, prepare all the things listed and your request will be processed immediately by gojek.   So drivers bring a lot of benefits.

List ofGocar Indonesia drivers

As an aspiring driver delivering a cover letter, make sure you understand well what the terms are. To apply to become a partner with Gojek, you need to  understand the conditions. Don’t worry, the  requirements  for registeringa gocar are surprisingly simple. It won’t make you confused about fulfilling every point.

Here are two very important points in  the gocar list’s requirement that it is easy and must be followed by everyone who is going to apply to become a driver.   Such as  the requirements to become a driver and the other are the requirements for the vehicle used. These two things need to be considered by everyone if they want to join as a gocar partner.

If one of the conditions cannot be met, you will also not be accepted as an online transport driver. For the difference between the two themselves, of course, it is clear. Where the driver is the person who takes passengers to go to their destination. While the vehicle is a car that will  be used to deliver.

From here, you can know if the requirements for signing up for a gocar are simple. There is no need for complicated documents. For a more complete review, you can understand several things including both important points when signing up. Do not neglect the slightest if you want to accept the application.

Conditions for cars used by drivers

For the requirements of  registeringfor a gocar, it turns out to be simple, not just a rider. Even the car used must also meet the requirements. If not, you will not be accepted as a gocar driver. For the conditions of how to quantifyacar yourself, you can see the following:

  1. The year of the car

Signing up for a gocar is easy, if you want to register to be an online transport driver with Gojek, the first requirement that must be met is what year the  car comes out.   The vehicle that can be used to become a gocar driver is diatas 2012. If the vehicle is ejected under it, it is not allowed to be used. Meanwhile, the types of cars  are quite diverse.

  1. Insurance

The vehicle must haveall-risk insurance,  which means that  if one day it is damaged, it can be serviced with the help of insurance. To prove that your car has insurance, you can provide the policy. The policy is something that explains if the car is registered insurance.

  1. Complete letter

If you want to register as an owol driver, make sure the vehicle has a complete letter like stnk and license plate. Images of vehicle registrations both front andrear as a condition and made to be adjusted. If you do not meet this requirement, the application submission will not be accepted by gojek.

  1. Residence

This document is to explain if the vehicle is really yours. Even if it is purchased from someone else. In order for the document to be clear, it is necessary to have this letter as a supplement.

  1. Fordonsmotorer

Machines over 1000 cc are the conditions that gojek specifies if you want to register. If it is not justified, the request will not be accepted.

  1. KIR-test

Part of this time, KIR tests are needed for vehicles used to transport goods and people. In some branches, this requirement is needed, but some others are not.

You can see, the requirements for registration for gocar are surprisingly simple, right?  All the mentioned conditions are already in your car. There is no need to take care of any documents in which it takes a long time. All requirements are also contained in the completeness of the car owned by each person.

Do you want to become a driver, here are the conditions

In big cities or tourist attractions, surely online drivers who use cars are sought after by users. Because privacy is more maintained and passengers also don’t worry about what the weather is like. Understand the conditions that are needed well if you really want to be one of the drivers.

Do you want to become one of gojek’s partners?  The requirements for registration for GoCar turned out to be simple. Prepare your original ID card. This has really become the main requirement in every job application submitted anywhere. This is necessary to prove whether you are really a native or already registered.

In addition, due to being an online transport driver, the driver’s license is a driver’s licensethat must also be fulfilled. Make sure the driver’s license you have is type A and still valid.   Attach this document when applying for registration. In addition, a bank account, smart phone and an active mobile number are required.

If you want complete information for submitting an application, you can call the number 021-5084-900 or by e-mail This can help you if you experience problems during registration or need complete information. How about the  requirements for registration for gocar turned out to be simple, immediately registerto become a partner of Gojek Indonesia.

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