How to  easily and quickly check xl  Credit’s  logistics period : KABARGOAL

How to  easily and quickly check xl  Credit’s  logistics period

 The active period of XL credit  should be properly known so that you can still be used both for the Internet, epon phone and demand sms.As it is known, each entrepreneur himself sets an active period for each consumer for a certain period of time.

If the active period of your number has expired and is no longer renewed, it can turn that number into a loss so that it is not used by the customer. Obviously, conditions like this will cause you to experience a million l ah obstacles because you can’t enjoy various services from XL, right?

As we know, XL itself is one of the most popular mobile operators in Indonesia.This is thanks to a number of service products they offer, such as Internet packages, telephone packages, sms packages with various types of promos.Interestingly , XL is also known to be reasonably priced so that it can be accessed by anyone

Unfortunately, not all XL users  pay attention to the active duration of their  XL credit  . they only recognize after the number cannot be used to access all the services offered.Given the expiration of the activation period, it’s not unusual for users to switch to a new CARD BEcause the old cards are gone.

Of course, don’t you want it if the number of evasion occurs to you because you don’t pay attention to the active age of XL? to find out how a strong pulse moment is actually easy to do.So customers no longer want to know, here are some of the methods that can be used to check above.

How to easily check xl Credit’s Active  Period

For those of you who are looking for an active grace period for  SIMcard XL, you can use 2  methods    ,  either through a *   123# telephone code or through a website. To check through the phone, customers can type directly *123# in the menu on your smartphone. If so, then you can immediately view detailed information.

Meanwhile, if through the site, customers just have to visit my then they can choose the language immediately. Skip processes some unnecessary places by pressing Skip this process. Log in or log in using a smartphone number and password that has been previously created. Through the website, customers can see the remaining credit with an active period.

Another way to check the active duration of xl credit is through the MyXL application. The software can be found through the playstore and app store for Ios users.This method also appears easier and more practical than using the browser.If you have successfully downloaded, you can enter immediately with the number and password.

For the active duration of the credit, it also depends on the amount sent. The more the credit balance sent, the longer it appears that the longer the XL  card’s activation time and the credit in it will be possible.For those of you who want to extend their strong time, you can immediately expand it in many ways below.

How to extend XL  SIM life

To extend the active period of XL credit, there are actually various methods that can be done. including by raising the top of the credit.To raise the balance can be done in a variety of ways, such as being able to buy directly via e-commerce such as Shopee, Tokopedia to openstall.The active time period of credit on the XL  card  is:

  1. Rp1000 = 2 days
  2. Rp5000 = 7 days
  3. Rp10,000 = 15 days
  4. Rp15,000 = 20 days
  5. Rp25,000 = 35 days
  6. Rp 50.000 = 45 days
  7. Rp 100.000 = 90 days
  8. Rp 200.000 = 120 days
  9. Rp 300.000 = 180 days
  10. Rp500,000 = 240 days
  11. 000.000 = 360 days

In addition to taking advantage of the xl credit activation period  ,  XL customers  can also buy the XL activation period.This advice is widely chosen because the time can be adjusted to the needs of each customer.It’s suitable for those of you who have a lot of credit balance but the grace period is almost here.Obviously, don’t want that number to be burned normally, right? this is a step.

  1. First, customers can open the phone menu directly or call the phone directly
  2. If so, you can print instantly *123*8484#. Wait a moment for a new menu to appear
  3. Later, customers can see many active age options from XL immediately , i.e. IDR 2 thousand for 1.3 days, IDR 5000 for 2.7 days, IDR 15,000 for 3,30 days, IDR 30,000 for 4,90 days and IDR 100,000 for 5360 days.
  4. Make sure you choose the options that suit your individual needs.
  5. If the above method has been done, then your XL SIMcard age will increase

Other ways to extend  xl  operator life

Another way that can be used to extend the  xl credit activation period  is by buying different types of packages (Internet, sms, and telephones) which operators or through credit transfers.The methods that can be used very easily, here are reviews.

  1. Through purchasing service packages

For those of you who want to save money? The trick above can be the best solution, is by buying an Internet package, sms or phone supplied by XL.For customers who want to buy a package, they can access the service directly at *123#, consumers will find multiple menu options.

Starting with a package for sms, phone calls to the Internet. Here, you suggest choosing the XTRACOMbo menu. In this menu, users can find several internet package options that can be tailored to their individual needs.

  1. By transferring credit

In addition to being able to getcredit, how to check the  strong period of XL credit with credittransfers can also be a solution to extend the life of your beloved  XL card.This method is not complicated, although it’s very easy to do.You just need to access *123#, choose number 7 for info,  Continue to select the m-pulsa menu and divide the credit. Just enter the tip number and the number of credit.

 XL contributor advantages

There are several advantages in the use of  XL contributors,  including the following:

  1. Have a pretty good Internet network

The first advantage of  this XL supplier  is that it already has a pretty good internet network. especially since it already has 4G networks, which is the fastest network today.This is also separate from its services that have spread across almost every region of Indonesia.

  1. There is a complete package on demand

This supplier is also known for its comprehensive package options that can be tailored to suit customer needs. Starting with an internet package, sms to phone. Of course, at a price that can be accessed by all customers.

  1. The existence of responsive customer service and communication

The final benefit is having responsive customer service and communications. These customer services always provide the best services, such as by providing customer friendly services.

XL is one of the most popular mobile operators because of the number of perfect services and products offered.For you loyal customers, knowing the strong range of XL credit    is actually a very important thing to do.

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