ongoing complaints experienced by Bika bank users : DIMENSIKU

These are four BCA communication centers that are active 24 hours a day

If there is a problem using BCA bank products during transportation, there are four BCA connection centres here that are active 24 hours a day to help you find solutions. This is because barriers to transactions must be quickly reported to the call centre. Because, all solutions to all obstacles in transactions are resolved only by the call centre.

Since Coronavirus was born in Indonesia , the BCA’s office has implemented social restrictions in several major cities . In this way, the bank’s operating hours will be cut, although the number of users entering the branch office is limited.

Therefore, you have advised you to contact the BCA Bank Contact Center when you encounter a transfer problem. After connecting to the Connection Center service, you will no longer need to go to the nearest branch office to report any problems experienced.

Contact the Center for Actions and Roles for BCA Bank

The role of the BCA’s communications centre is very important, in addition to responding to criticism and suggestions from consumers, and this information service has another role to play in the BCA Bank. First , the call center is tasked with notifying expected customers about payment products at BCA Bank .


There are several payment products at the BCA Bank , from Tahapan Express to young people to Tahapan Berjanka for adults . Second , the Information Center Service at BCA Bank also performs its duties as a telemarket errand to find a new customer who likes to open a trust card


Call centers usually say the benefits and requirements required in opening credit cards for hidden customers. So here are four BCA telephone stations that work telephonely to offer credit card products at the BCA Bank


Third, you can contact the BCA Bank Information Service Center to find out detailed information about savings and product loans, such as motor vehicle debt (KKB), unsecured debt (KTA), to home ownership loans (KPR).


And fourth , you can contact the Merged Information Center Service at the BCA Bank to find out the products at BCA Syria In terms of governance, BCA Saria is governed by Islamic trade law so you can choose BCA Syariah which is considered more mobile and has official permission from the government

Here are 4 BCA communications centers that are ready to help all consumer complaints 24 hours a day

To keep customers safe , the BCA Bank provides a merged information center service that is ready to serve you for a full 24 hours . So, you can still connect to the service when it’s connected to transactions.

BCA Bank provides 4 unified information center services that are equally active for a full 24 hours So, you can choose one of the four BCA call centers. You can contact all services in the BCA Bank to help solve problems. It’s just that the regularity of solving the problems you face is different for any call center service.

In addition, the type of problem they face is one of the reasons why the process of solving the problems will take longer , here are four BCA communication centers that are ready to serve all the problems they face:

  1. ێێ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ

First , bca bank provides a communication center by telephone Usually, users with emergency problems are contacted by phone. This is because the solution made by the call centre via the contact phone is faster than in other media.


  1. ۆکڵک

Second, the BCA call center is also available on social networks. You can contact the BCA Contact Center via direct message (DM) via @halobca (Twitter).


  1. Official website

Third, you can submit a complaint or question through the official BCA bank website. Here, you can ask and get answers immediately from customer services. So , that’s enough to help you overcome barriers when working or just asking about products at BCA Bank


  1. Emesh

And here are the last four BCA connection centers widely used by consumers. The BCA contact center can be used by e-mail as an alternative way to file complaints or complaints about the bank’s products. You can send an e-mail directly to

ongoing complaints experienced by Bika bank users

In fact, any complaints experienced by BCA bank users during transactions must be reported directly through the Official Communications Centre. This is because only the official relations center in THE BCA bank can solve the complaints that will be experienced by the users


So , you no longer have to come to the nearest BCA banking branch to resolve complaints or open a new savings account . You only need to contact one of the four official merged information services run by the BCA Bank.


There are many complaints that can be resolved through the Communications Centre at the BCA Bank First, when your deal, either debt or trust, experiences problems. So, you have advised you to report the topic to the Contact Center immediately.


Then , BCA bank officers will help investigate and find solutions to problems they have experienced And here are four BCA phone stations that play a role in helping you solve problems in transportation.


Second, when you want to block an account because your ATM card is missing or you have a loan or credit card misuse. This can be helped by the Communications Center at BCA Bank So, you don’t have to come to the nearest branch office to block your credit card account.


And third , when you don’t get the promos benefits that the BCA bank holds And here are four BCA connection centres that help you explain the benefits of promos provided by the BCA. In addition, the Communication Centre explains the reasons for not getting promo benefits provided by the BCA Bank.


How do you contact the BCA Contact Center?

It’s easy for users to contact the BCA Call Center if you want to contact the BCA call center via an interaction phone, you can contact 1500888 by landline or directly via the smart phone.


If you want to connect through social networks, you only need to send a message via a direct message (DM) on your @halobca account (Twitter). If you want to contact the BCA Contact Center by e-mail, please send a message to the email address And if you want to contact the connection center through the website, immediately access the page.


Then, select your Web chat or WhatsApp menu. You can now contact the BCA Connection Center through the WhatsApp app. And here are four BCA communications centers that are often obtained by consumers when experiencing problems during transportation or just finding product information


BCA is one of indonesia’s largest private banks To protect customer trust and comfort, the BCA provides the Communication Center service to help you when transactions continue.

In addition, the Call Centre is also responsible for providing information and phone products from the BCA and has four call centres that can call, i.e. contact phones, social networks, websites, and e-mails. and here are four BCA communications centers  often called by BCA bank customers

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