Posyandu mobile for the red zone : BursaLoker

The role of west  Java   Provincial Health Office  in fighting Covid-19


Against the COVID-19 pandemic that has so far not diminished, the  Provincial Office of Health in   West Java has made various efforts.   The reason is that West Java itself is one of the places infected with the corona virus itself, which is great. Even just a week,  the number of sick people  increased.


Based on the Covid information and coordination center in West Java, cases with the highest number have emerged  in the Bekasi area. But even so, the  highest rate of recovery  is  also found in Bekasi. There are still many residents in  West Java in the care of the covid case .   For those who are positive, isolation will be  done.


You can do the isolation process either in the hospital or in your own home. For cases of this virus, it is said that it ends if the patient has recovered or even died. Meanwhile, even in West Java, there are also many cases of people dying from covid.


The nature of the positive cases of covid itself can also be arbitrary. It depends on how to deal with it. Therefore, the government and the West Java health office are also making various efforts to minimize the number of deaths of COVID-19 patients. To date, the role of health workers is needed.


Health workers  in West Java  have been vaccinated


To minimize the number of deaths or contract this covid virus, the relevant health office government in West Java province  has also done a lot of things. Like for example, this new thing makes vaccinations. Indeed, vaccines have appeared in Indonesia, but for the beneficiaries, not for everyone.


The first beneficiaries of the vaccine  are health workers and affiliated parties. In West Java alone, about 80% of health workers have been vaccinated against COVID-19 with the synnovac vaccine.   Vaccines received from the government itself cannot reach all health workers in West Java.


This is because everyone will receive two doses. So even if it is missing, the West Java government will also try to accept it immediately so that it can be used. Even the West Java Provincial Health Office will also vaccinate its residents.   Although some things hinder the vaccination process, they can be  overcome immediately.


For the number of vaccines needed by the residents of West Java, they have to wait again. Because the population that lives in this region  itself is quite a lot.   In fact, the number is the highest in Indonesia.   So that the administration of vaccines  is also carried out   in stages.   But despite this, they will all receive the vaccine against breast milk.


In addition, other problems arising from the administration of this vaccine are  due to the pros and cons of the type injected. Many of the people refused the vaccine because there was no MUI and BPOM  label.  However, the issuance of legalization from the two  institutions eventually made the inhabitants  of West Java want to be injected.


Puskesmas plays a role in thefight against Covid-19


In the fight against this coronavirus case, the Provincial Health Office of West Java and its government have also begun to create a program, namely an integrated health center and champion. At the beginning of the establishment of a program to manage coronavirus cases themselves, the government distributed many health workers.


Previously, the health center he relied on to manage COVID cases was also in a state of decay.  But now  an update  is being made in which  the medical staff  at the health center dedicated to the care of covid patients  are mixed  up .  So, in the end, take care of other  diseases. This makes vaccination  ineffective to carry out.


Meanwhile, in order to manage the cases of corona virus sufferers themselves, it must be special and intensive. So previously the health workers in puskesmas could not function optimally. So the most recent program was created, namely an integrated health center to specifically manage COVID cases.  The program was created by the  West Java government.


The government hopes that with the new health workers stationed in puskesmas, it will be able to maximize its performance. The role of the West Java Provincial Health Office     to make this program a success in itself is also very important.   Meanwhile, the West Java government itself requires a greater number of new medical personnel to be placed in puskemas.


This method itself is one of the innovations undertaken by the West Java government  to overcome this coronavirus pandemic. By optimizing the role of puskesmas to handle this.   Thus, there are also more and more human resources so that the program can be run successfully.


Optimize puskesmas and integrated champions


In terms of integrated puskesmas and champions or puspa, this is a  new method on the part of the provincial government and  the Provincial Health Bureau   of  West Java to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. This is achieved by optimizing the role of the puskesmas itself. In some areas of West Java, it has been implemented.


Through this program, the government is collaboratingbetween professions to get involved in various sectors of activity. This is used to improve the application of follow-up, testing and treatment. Not only that, but it is also used to maximize the 3M that has been set by the government.


This is also applied to maximize the management of the coronavirus outbreak. The purpose of creating this program is so that the communityisobedient in the application of 3 M.   Previously, medical professionals who were asked to take care of covid were working on other things besides the virus outbreak.


Meanwhile, the main task of medical professionals to deal with covid in accordance with the provisions of the  Provincial Office  of  Health in   West Java is precisely to overcome the coronavirus problem. They are asked to find out about people who are really affected by the virus and are required to report and come to the relevant health center.


The team in this puspa itself will also be tasked with tracking up close contact residents. Because previously, there were not many cases that were successfully followed up. So, it needs optimization to maximize the performance of the program previously done by the West Java government.   Puspa will be distributed throughout the area of West Java.


Posyandu mobile for the red zone


In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the government and the Provincial Office of  Health in West  Java  also continue to attach importance to the health of their people. Of course, you must continue to implement the protocols that have been established by the government. However, especially for areas that are in the red zone, these basic health activities are carried out around.


Health workers, along with affiliated parties, will perform mobile posyandu to minimize cases of death from other things. This health program itself is carried out by the medical staff along with the related devices, coming directly to people’s homes. Theimplementation itself will be carried out in accordance with the current protocol.


The working technique is adjusted according to only the needs. In general, posyandu itself will be done by collecting in one place. However, going around this, residents only stay at home, later they will be visited directly by regional medical officers in West Java.  So that the implementation itself is really in line with what is needed.


The current COVID-19 pandemic, which is still crowded, has caused many areas to have problems. But now there are protocols that make the spread minimized. Death casesare also declining and recovered cases are on the rise with thehelp of the community that complies with  government regulations and the health office of  west Java province.

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