The requirements for registering GOCAR proved to be simple: ILYASWEB

Gocar list required is simple, don’t get it  wrong!

If you are interested in being an online driver, the requirements for registering for a gocar are surprisingly simple. In today’s practical time, it’s easier to offer services that take passengers by car. Especially now, when there are startups on online transport like Gojek or others that are also popular.

In the current academic, a relatively few people have lost basic income. It is also due to many types of factors. For example, the company terminated the employment contract until the salary was not enough. All of this is due to the academic still going on.

When such problems arise, many people turn to finding a way out. All efforts were also made to earn income each month. Right now, the job the public has sought is to become an online motorcycle taxi driver.

If you really want to be one of the drivers, the requirements for registering for the gocar are surprisingly simple. Pay attention to what is needed before sending a cover letter to the company. Many people say that the conditions for registration are not simple and complicated. But it wasn’t.

Anyone who wants to enter a cover letter must only observe certain conditions for the standard of his or her car as well as the driver. Once all the necessary things are fulfilled, you can submit a letter and the Gojek party will make a choice. For the requirements themselves, you can read the following review.

Get to know Gocar and his range of services

Before you discuss the conditions required for registration in Gojek, it is important that you know and know exactly what Gocar is. Because if you know more about it , the service for customers is also better.

Gocar itself is a type of service located in one of the online transport applications often known as Gojek. Of course, this type of service is different from Go-Ride. If the car uses a car to take passengers, then go-ride uses a motorcycle to serve its customers.

However, for the services that use this vehicle, it is actually chosen by many people, because there are quite many passengers. Even a car can be 5 to 6 passengers. It’s very good to use, especially if you don’t have one vehicle to drive from one place to another.

For passengers themselves, it also depends on what type of car is used for registration. You want to be one of the drivers.  The registration requirements for Gocar are surprisingly simple, prepare everything indicated and your request is processed immediately by gojek.   So drivers provide a lot of advantages.

Syrat List ng Indo nesia Gocar driver

As a potential driver who provides a cover letter, make sure you understand my requirements well. To apply as a partner of this Gojek, you need to understand the conditions. Take it easy,  for registration  conditions for gocar, it’s surprisingly easy. You’re not confused to make every point.

Here are two crucial points of the list of requirements on the gocar list, it turns out that it is simple  and should be followed by anyone who will adapt as a driver. As required to be a driver, and the second is the requirements for the vehicle to be used. These two things everyone needs to consider if they want to join as a gocar partner.

If any of the conditions are not met, you will also not be accepted as an online transport driver. For the difference between the two themselves, of course, it is clear. Where the driver is the person who carries the passengers to their destination. While the vehicle is a car used for delivery.

From here you will know if the requirements for registration for the gocar have proved simple. Complex documents are no longer required. For a more complete review, you can understand a number of things, including two key points when registering. Do not neglect the smallest item if you wish to accept the application.

Provisions for vehicles used by drivers

For the conditions to register a gocar, it turns out that it is easy, not just the driver. The used car must also meet the requirements. If not, you will not be accepted as a gocar driver. In terms and conditions for how to qualify foryour car, you will find the following:

  1. Car Year

Yes, the gocar list turns out to be easy, if you want to register as an online transport driver with Gojek, the first condition must be met, where the car comes out. The vehicle where you can be a gocar driver is in 2012. If the vehicle is given below, it should not be used. Meanwhile, these types of cars are  very different.

  1. Insurance

The vehicle musthave All-Rrisk insurance, which means that if it is damaged one day, it can be serviced with insurance. To prove if your car is insured, you can show the policy. The policy is something that explains whether it is true that the car is registered for insurance.

  1. Full Mail

If you want to register as an Ojol driver, make sure the vehicle has a full letter such as stnk and license plate. Pictures of the vehicle taken both frontand back as a condition and orientation. If you cannot meet this one requirement, application submission will not be accepted by gojek.

  1. Wohnsitzbrief

This document is intended to explain whether the vehicle is actually your property. Even if it was bought by someone else. For the document to be clear, this letter must be written as a supplement to it.

  1. Fahrzeugmotoren

Engine over 1000 cc are the conditions provided by gojek if you want to register. If the conditions are not met, the request will not be accepted.

  1. KIR-Test

A few years ago, KIR tests were needed for vehicles used to transport goods and people. Some industries need this requirement, but others don’t.

It turned out that the requirements for the gocar list were simple, right?  All these conditions are already in your car. You don’t have to worry about documents where it takes a long time. All that is required is also for the entire car that is owned by each person.

If you want to be a driver, this is the conditions

In a large city or tourist resort, online drivers who use cars are certainly sought after by users. Because privacy is better preserved and passengers are not worried about what the weather is like. Understand the requirements properly if you really want to be one of the drivers.

Do you want to be one of Gojek’s partners?  The requirements for registering GOCAR proved to be simple. Prepare your original ID. Truly this is the basic requirement for any application. It is necessary to prove whether you are actually a local or registered person.

Moreover, due to the fact that he is an online transport driver, a driver’s license is a problem that must also be fulfilled. Make sure my driver’s license is  type A and still  valid.   Attach this document when approving for registration. In addition, a bank account, smartphone and an active mobile phone number are needed.

If you want to complete the application submission information, you can call 021-5084-900 directly or via email   This will help you if you are struggling to register or need complete information. How about the registration requirements for Gocar has proved easy, register immediately to become a partner of Gojek Indonesia.

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