You can also contact him via social media and live chat : HargaKatalog

How to contact the Traveloka Consumer Call Center

Traveloka call centers are very useful for your consumers in solving various types of problems. Traveloka is indonesia’s largest ticket reservation location. This site was the first site to provide such services. That’s because traveloka has started to open since 2012.

At that time, there were not many internet users in Indonesia. The explosion of users in Indonesia itself occurred in 2013. Traveloka, which was established, became stronger than competitors who were only established after the incident. With its existence sufficient, there are many customers of this provider.

Of course, not all customers are softer when making ticket reservations. There are some people who have difficulties. Typically, this is experienced by new users. When facing this issue, the traveloka call center should be contacted. Contacting you yourself can be done as follows.

How to contact the Traveloka Call Center

To contact via phone, there is a number provided by traveloka. The number is 0804-1500-308. The contact is open to the general public. Therefore, any traveloka-related problems or questions can be answered through this number.

You can also contact the traveloka call center at any time. That’s because the number is active for 24 hours. There is always a CS ready to be ready to meet the needs of consumers. Of course, traveloka also makes adjustments to the number of CS during the day and night. This setting makes these CS numbers more during the day.

With a larger number, you won’t wait in line for long when you contact it during the day. When contacting the call center, make sure you have a sufficient amount of credit. At least he’s got a credit of 20, 000 rupees. That’s because, this phone system is paid according to the provider you are using.

You can also contact him via landline if you want a cheaper fee. However, if there is no credit and fixed stock, email contact can also be made. Traveloka’s own official email address is at the When contacting the email, the response will not be as quick as when contacting the traveloka call center.

This is because it takes time for CS to understand your complaint and give the answer. To make things easier, it would be better if you asked the question as detailed as possible. With it, CS will be easier to understand the chronology. But do not contact the address when you experience a problem with your balance saldoku.

UANGKU itself is  traveloka’s official means of payment. But if you experience this problem, just send a message to uangku’s official email address. Your own email address is If the customer contacts traveloka CS for this issue, finally the customer will also be directed to contact the address.

You can also contact him via social media and live chat

There are other ways if you are not comfortable contacting the traveloka call center using your phone or email. The trick is to use social media. Social media itself is actually suitable for use by Indonesians, considering that its use is very popular. The first social media to choose from is twitter.

Twitter is the most popular social media tool for communicating with traveloka. To contact us via twitter, first open the app and log in first using your account. After logging in, look for the official traveloka account that has a @traveloka id. If it was found, you can use two media in communication.

The first way is to use the mention feature. You can ask questions or complaints and make a mention of @traveloka. However, this mention is very public in nature. For obstacles or problems that are more personal, it would be better to use direct messages.

Direct Messaging or DM is a feature that can be used so you can chat privately with traveloka. In fact, traveloka can also be contacted via Facebook and Instagram. The id is also the same, i.e@traveloka for Instagram and Traveloka for Facebook. The way to contact him is also the same.

However, none of them allow you to chat via mention. Customers can use DM to instragram and facebook mthisnger for facebook. For the latter option, the traveloka call center can also be contacted via live chat. To enter the live chat, first log in to the official website.

From there, you can find a special column for live chat. Wait a few moments for CS to be available to answer your questions. If available, questions will be answered quickly. It’s just that.

Request a refund of tickets can be through the call center

When contacting the traveloka call center, there are many services to choose from. That’s because CS has been prepared to deal with a wide variety of problems that consumers may face. However, there are call center services that are rarely known to travel consumers. The service is a refund.

The refund itself is a refund request. This is important when the plane ticket has been paid for, but it wants to be cancelled because there is sudden activity. Traveloka itself does not complicate the process. Not only in the refund of airline tickets, hotel tickets can also be done with similar things. The refund process is also not  time consuming.

If the process is carried out on a hotel voucher, the time required is about 30 days. For the flight voucher itself, the refund process is a little longer. This is because it takes up to 90 days to receive a refund. When contacting the traveloka call center to make a refund, you will be asked for a few questions.

This question relates to personal data, booking data and reasons for wanting to make a refund. Make no mistake in providing personal data and booking data. This is because the call center will not forward the service if there is an error in both. It would be better if the data were prepared in advance before contacting CS.

There are many questions to talk about

In addition to making a refund, there are several questions that can be asked to CS. One of the most important issues is related to the condition of an already completed ticket. There are some consumers who complain about the difficulty of making an order when the weather is approaching. Especially if the flight is for holidays.

Usually, tickets are full of a long time ago. If you experience this issue, the Traveloka call center can be contacted. Contacting you does not mean that you will receive a ticket for others to be harmed. In this condition, cs will provide suggestions on the best location adjacent to the destination location.

With it, you can still get to the intended place using the land route when you arrive. Normally, CS will suggest that the destination is the closest. That’s because the price is a little cheaper. With it, you can reduce travel costs by a considerable amount.

Other issues, such as confusion when booking tickets and application errors, can also be reported. In essence, make the best use of the existence of the call center. Don’t let existing installations be wasted because you don’t use them. After all, the problem of confusion that often annoys customers can be eliminated by contacting traveloka’s call center.

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